D365 F&O: Performance optimizer
I know lot of people sometime stuck with the performance issue either opening a form, queries taking a lot of time, or could be any process – invoicing, posting etc.
However, It is possible to optimize a D365 FO installation, and you are
able to monitor and optimize your live installation more or less as in previous
versions like Dynamics AX 2012. In fact, in some areas it has become easier to
identify bottle necks in the system. The main problems to poor performance on
D365 FO is usually customized code or lack of following Microsoft’s guidelines
for maintenance of the live system.
Using the following sources will help you identify bottlenecks in your
cloud hosted D365 FO installation:
- Lifecycle Services (LCS) Environment
Management (Query analyser form – long queries, slow running etc.)
- Microsofts guide lines (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/dynamics365/)
- Analyze code with Trace Parser - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/perf-test/trace-trace-tutorial
- Analyze live backups
- Microsoft Premium Support (MS Tickets)
- Microsoft D365 FO Yammer Groups
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